The Zero Tolerance Campaign is a nationwide initiative to tackle violence, abuse and illegal acts against staff working in the NHS. The campaign has been initiated by the Secretary of State for Health and has the full support of the Home Secretary, the Lord Chancellor and the Attorney General.
Applewood Surgery is committed to the NHS Zero Tolerance Policy and we have adopted the following statement:
“Any form of violence against our staff from any person will not be tolerated. No form of violence or abuse is acceptable whether it be towards the staff or any other person on practice premises.
You should expect that our staff treat you with courtesy at all times. The staff work very hard on behalf of our patients and therefore we expect that they have the right to work in a safe environment.
If a patient commits an act of violence against any doctor, member of staff, patient, or any other person present either in the surgery or on another premises where he/she is being treated, or behaves in such a way that any of these fear for their safety, it will result in him/her being removed from Applewood Surgery's list and the incident being reported to the police.