Online Services and Self Referrals
We have put together some useful forms and self referral inofmation to help you with your care.
1. Proxy access form- Please read the information on proxy access prior to completing the form (this information is with in the form) Click here to get to the form- Proxy access form
2. Physio Self Referral- If your condition requires physiotherapy, now you can self-refer for Physiotherapy Service by contacting – 01268 904 102. Visit the community musculoskeletal service website for more details:
3. Smoking Cessation Self Referral- Smoking can lead to strokes, cancer, heart and lung disease. We strongly advise quitting. The best way to stop is with a combination of medication and specialist support. Help and support is now available for you to help Quit Smoking through Essex Wellbeing
4. Counselling Self Referral - VitaMinds is a FREE service and you don’t need to visit a GP to get help – You can self-refer by calling them on 01268 977171. VitaMinds offers a range of short-term psychological therapies, known as IAPT to adults 18-years and over. You Can also click the link below for self referral.