Swanwood Partnership would like to introduce Abi as our Social Prescribing Link Worker.
- Working as a Link worker between the surgery, patients and local services in thecommunity reducing the pressure on the surgery for non- medication issues.
- Key component of Universal Personalised care
- Meeting practical, social and emotional needs affecting Patients health and wellbeing
- Holistic approach to addressing patients needs
- Dealing with various support scenarios e.g Blue badges, Bus passes, Transportationfor hospital appointments , Financial Support, Benefits advice, Medical devices(wheelchairs ) , Housing support and other unmet needs such as food, homelessness,Emotional support
- Mental health support, Family support, Carers support, Domestic Violence, Smoking/Alcohol abuse , Bereavement, Adult social care, Incontinence etc.
Appointments can be bookedwith Abi directly into the practice rota. Alternatively,email abimbola.ope-ewe@nhs.net.