Repeat Prescription requests should be made preferably online.

If you are unable to use online request methods, other Methods for request can be accepted
- In person (by submitting marked counterfoil of your repeats)
- By post
- By arrangement with your own chemist.
To ensure that the correct drugs are prescribed we do not accept telephone requests for prescriptions.
Please allow 3 working days for prescription requests to be processed by the surgery, along with additional time for your pharmacy to prepare your prescription medications (this can be a further 1 to 3 working days).
You will be asked to see the clinician from time to time to monitor your treatment: please note if you are asked to attend a particular clinic.
EPS (Electronic Prescription Service)
We offer electronic prescription service. This means that all prescriptions (unless specified) go directly to the pharmacy of your choice for you to collect.
This is done via our clinical system and the pharmacy system. A GP will still need to sign the prescriptions. This is done electronically. All actions are audited so it is safer and there is less risk of losing a prescription.
You will still need to allow 72hrs (3 working days) for your prescription to be ready. However, this means you will be able to collect from any pharmacy that has EPS in the country, you will just need to nominate your pharmacy. It is up to the patient to ensure the correct pharmacy has been nominated, just bear this in mind if it changes temporarily.
Patients can still collect prescriptions from the surgery should they wish too.
Please leave your repeat prescription request in the box near reception.
Please allow 72 hours for your prescription or medication to be ready for collection.
If you would like your prescription posted to you, please provide a stamped, addressed envelope.
You may also order repeat prescriptions online with Patient Access.
Some medications may need to be reviewed with you before they are issued, you will need to see a Doctor for this and will be informed if you need to do this.
Find out more information about the Electronic Prescription Service.
It is a legal requirement that patients taking regular repeat prescriptions must have an annual medication review by the surgeries Clinical Pharmacists.
Please make an appointment when you see your review date is approaching. Failure to do so may result us having to stop issuing prescriptions or giving you a 14 day supply only.
Patients who request repeat prescriptions on-line via patient access may have their request rejected if the medication review date is overdue. If a script is rejected please contact the surgery to book a telephone appointment as soon as possible. Unfortunately due to the high volumes of script requests processed every day the reception staff are not able to contact patients personally to inform them of script rejections.
It is patients responsibility to ensure their repeat medications are ordered in good time to prevent delays and ensure any problems are addressed as soon as possible.
Please note if you suffer with a chronic disease, for example high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes or are on cholesterol lowering or thyroid medications, you may need an annual blood test one week before you make an appointment for a Medication review. Please arrange to have this before your appointment.
Patients are responsible for checking their own medication order at the time of picking up from their chosen chemist incase of errors.