Booking for online X-Ray Appointments from January 27th 2025.
If your clinician referrers you for a routine X-ray, Basildon Hospital will be in touch within two working days.
Depending on the type of examination, the hospital may send you a text message, inviting you to make an appointment using our booking portal called Swiftqueue.
Please follow the instructions to login / register an account. You will then be able to book an appointment which is most convenient for you, without the need of contacting the hospital directly.
If you have not heard from the hospital after two working days, please contact the Hospital’s Radiology Appointments team directly - contact details can be found on the Mid and South Essex Hospitals’ website.
If you have been referred for a “walk-in Chest X-ray”, you may still receive an invitation to book online. It is up to you whether you book an allotted time via Swiftqueue, or simply attend when you are ready.
• Who does the patient contact if they have issues with Swiftqueue?
o Swiftqueue has its own service desk to support users that they can access via the Swiftqueue website. There are also links to the Swiftqueue support team included with the booking confirmation emails the patients receive.
• Will Swiftqueue be for all patients and appointments?
o No. The Radiology team will vet all X-ray requests as they currently do. If it is not appropriate for Swiftqueue (such as a complex procedure, not a routine exam, require specialist equipment / assistance, query fractures or paediatrics), the referral will be added to the booking team queue who will contact the patient directly.
• What if a patient is a technophobe / no access to internet?
o If the patient doesn’t respond to the invitation to book their appointment, Swiftqueue will send three reminder text messages. If the patient doesn’t respond to the invite, or they have not booked an appointment within 10 days, the referral will be managed manually by the booking team, who will contact the patient directly.
o Alternatively, if you have a reason that you don’t want the patient to be contacted / booked via Swiftqueue, you can add a note to the clinical details. When the referral is vetted in Radiology, the Radiology team will be able to move the request out of the Swiftqueue workflow, and straight to the booking team who will contact the patient directly.
• Will patients still be able to call the booking team?
o Yes. The booking team will still be available. We ask that patients wait 2 working days before contacting the booking team. This will allow the Radiology team to review the request and manage any queries.